Car Crash Solicitors

Car Crash SolicitorsExpert Car Crash Solicitors

Have You Had A Car Crash?

A car crash can have a huge impact on you and your family and can cause long-term injuries as well as financial difficulties.

You can often find yourself dealing with Insurance Companies and also trying to get your car repaired. You or your family or friends could have been injured in the car crash and it can take months to fully recover.

We are expert Car Crash Solicitors and we are able to help you with all of the issues that can arise after a car crash – at No Cost To You.

If you have been in a Car Crash call us now on 02871229343 or use our Free Online Enquiry.

“Highly recommend this solicitors very helpful, professional and efficient.”

Have You Had An Accident?

After an Accident you may not know what to do. If you have been in an Accident and you are unsure if you can claim just contact us to find out now.

We will be able to tell you immediately whether you are able to make a Compensation Claim for free and without any obligation. We can also help with other problems such as car repair or hire and handling Insurance Companies on your behalf.

Call us now on 028 71 229 343 now or use our Free Online Enquiry to find out if you can make a claim after an Accident.

“They were so open and warm to deal with and left me with a great outcome”

At the heart of our ethos is that we really care about our clients and we want to see the best possible outcome for you. We know how important your case is and the effect it can have on your life and that is hugely important to us.

How Much Compensation Will I Get?

Find out how much compensation you could get now using our Personal Injury Compensation Calculator:-Car Crash Solicitors

We can fast-track your claim to ensure that you receive your compensation as quickly as possible and make sure you keep 100% of your compensation settlement.

Car Crash Solicitors – More Information

Car Crash SolicitorsWe provide a Free Consultation with an Expert Solicitor to discuss your case without obligation and free of charge. Being involved in a Car Accident can be frightening and cause serious injuries which can take months or even years to recover.

A Car Accident can cause shock and distress, leaving you with nightmares and flashbacks. The injuries that can be sustained can range from a whiplash injury to severe injuries requiring lengthy hospital treatment. Your vehicle could be badly damaged and you may find yourself facing financial problems and dealing with an Insurance Company while suffering from pain and stress.

We understand the financial implications an injury may have on our clients. If the symptoms cause you to miss any period of work, we can pursue a ‘Loss of Earnings’ Claim on your behalf to recover any wages that you haven’t been paid as a result of the accident. Talk to expert Car Accident Solicitors in Derry now.

“Very professional in their approach, very supportive and adaptable to my needs. I could not recommend McGee Solicitors enough. I will definitely be using them again.”

What Should I Do After An Accident?

The moments after an accident are crucial in ensuring that your position is protected. Sometimes people are in shock and can wrongly state to the other driver or to the Police that they were in the wrong, especially if the other driver puts them under pressure. This can effect a claim from the outset and make it very difficult to establish the true circumstances of the collision at a later date. It is therefore essential that you talk to us before talking to anybody else.

Can I make a claim for Loss of Earnings After An Accident?

At McGee Solicitors we understand that an accident can often lead to some time off work. We are aware that those involved in accidents can lose out on earnings as a result of the accident.

If you were involved in an accident that was not your fault then you are entitled to make a claim for loss of earnings if the accident has caused you to take time off work. This is something that we will talk to you about when we discuss your accident claim at your Free Consultation.

Not only are you entitled to make a claim for Loss of Earnings, but you are also entitled to make a claim for any other financial loss that you have incurred as a result of the accident.

These types of losses are known as Special Damages. Examples for Special Damages are as follows:-

  • Medical or Physio Bills
  • Loss of Earnings
  • Repairs/Replacement of damaged property or vehicle

“Very helpful and more importantly knowledgeable about the issues I was concerned about. Put at ease right away by Michael and I am more than happy with the outcomes and would really recommend McGee Solicitors for all your legal requirements. Take advantage of the free initial consultation, you won’t look back.”

Car Crash SolicitorsContact Us – Car Crash Solicitors

If you have been in a Car Accident then give us a call to discuss your case free of charge today. We will give you expert advice and give you some peace of mind so you know what your options are after a car accident.

Call us now on 028 9002 5511 or 028 71 229 343, email us on or Make An Online Enquiry.

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Excellent Customer Care

“Excellent customer care. No hassle at all and everything was straightforward. Excellent service and delighted with my outcome.”

Client Review

Very Helpful

“Very helpful and very competent. Highly recommended.”

More of a Friend than a Solicitor

“I would like to forward my compliments to my Solicitor Michael McGee. Michael has been my Solicitor for almost 2 years now and I can say that I have never been more happy that I changed my Solicitor to Michael. He has dealt with all my issues keeping in direct contact with me assuring me that everything was being done to resolve them. Michael is still acting as my solicitor for another issue and I am more than confident he will fulfil this in the same way that he has done in the past. More of a Friend than a Solicitor”

Free Initial Consultation – 5 star

“Very helpful and more importantly knowledgeable about the issues I was concerned about. Put at ease right away by Michael and I am more than happy with the outcomes and would really recommend McGee Solicitors for all your legal requirements. Take advantage of the free initial consultation, you won’t look back.”